Protein profile of Helicobacter pylori strains by isoelectrofocusing in patients affected by chronic gastritis
S. Paparo Barbaro, G. Petrigni**, F. Giovannelli**, F. Cerroni***, A. Caroselli, R. De Rosa*, C. Caroselli* Allergy and Immunology Unit, *** Department of Pathology, * Department of Internal Medicine
Policlinico “S. Andrea”, II Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, “La Sapienza” University – Rome (Italy)
**Institute of Respiratory Diseases, University of Milan – Milan (Italy)
Abstract. – Background: To understand if relapse, following antimicrobial treatment was due to re-infection or to recrudescence. Methods: Fifty patients with dyspepsia were studied prospectively. They were followed up by endoscopy and biopsy of antral mucosa before and after treatment with anti-microbial therapy. Gel isoelectrofocusing was used to characterize protein profile of Hp. Results: At baseline 40 patients were affected by chronic gastritis associated with Hp. At the end of treatment 75% patients given omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin were Hp infected: 43% showed the same protein profile and 57% different. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the relapse is due to recrudescence or to reinfection.
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S. Paparo Barbaro, G. Petrigni**, F. Giovannelli**, F. Cerroni***, A. Caroselli, R. De Rosa*, C. Caroselli*
Protein profile of Helicobacter pylori strains by isoelectrofocusing in patients affected by chronic gastritis
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2003
Vol. 7 - N. 6
Pages: 171-173