Laminoplasty is better of laminectomy in cervical stenotic myelopathy: myth or truth?
G.M. Della Pepa, R. Roselli, G. La Rocca, A. Spallone, G. Barbagallo, M. Visocchi Institute of Neurosurgery, Catholic University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
INTRODUCTION: Laminoplasty has been proposed as a treatment for cervical stenotic myelopathy (CSM) as an alternative to standard laminectomy as this has been considered directly associated with an increased risk of postoperative deformity.
METHODS: We retrospective reviewed postoperative results of open door laminoplasty (unilateral approach technique) compared with laminectomy in terms of clinical/electophysiological results (somatosensory evoked potentials – SSEP, and motor evoked potentials – MEP); in addition the rate of subsequent spinal deformities was analyzed in both techniques.
RESULTS: Postoperative results in terms of late follow up neurological assessment and neurophysiological improvement was substantially comparable in both groups. Postoperative dynamic cervical X-rays showed a kyphotic deformity in (12.5%) in patients undergoing laminectomy; none was unstable. No case of kypothic deformity occurred in patients undergoing open door laminoplasty. Complication rate was similar in both groups.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Standard laminectomy seems to be associated to late cervical spine deformities in a more relevant percentage of patients, possibly leading to severe forms of kyphosis and segmental instability over time compared with open-door expansive laminoplasty. The unilateral approach represents an evolution to standard open door technique that further spares posterior elements, may decrease the incidence of progressive spinal deformity and prevent the need for subsequent spinal stabilization.
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G.M. Della Pepa, R. Roselli, G. La Rocca, A. Spallone, G. Barbagallo, M. Visocchi
Laminoplasty is better of laminectomy in cervical stenotic myelopathy: myth or truth?
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2014
Vol. 18 - N. 1 Suppl
Pages: 50-54