Surgical correction and MR imaging of double lip in Ascher syndrome: record of a case and a review of the literature
M. Atzeni, E. Ceravola, F. Zaccheddu, A. Manca*, L. Saba**, D. Ribuffo Section of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery; *Section of General Surgery, Department of Surgery; and **Department of Radiology, Cagliari University Hospital, Cagliari (Italy)
A double-lip is an infrequent anomaly which may occur either isolated or as a component of Ascher’s syndrome. Apart from a deformity that may interfere with speech and mastication, surgery may be indicated for cosmetic reasons. We present a case of a male patient with an acquired double lip and blepharochalasis. In order to make the differential diagnosis a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. The mass was removed by a transverse elliptical incision under local anesthesia. No post-operative problems occurred and the cosmetic result was good.
Corresponding Author: Matteo Atzeni, MD; e-mail:
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M. Atzeni, E. Ceravola, F. Zaccheddu, A. Manca*, L. Saba**, D. Ribuffo
Surgical correction and MR imaging of double lip in Ascher syndrome: record of a case and a review of the literature
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2009
Vol. 13 - N. 4
Pages: 309-311