Radiofrequency Y-V anoplasty in the treatment of anal stenosis
V. Filingeri, G. Gravante, D. Cassisa Department of Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata – Rome (Italy)
Background: Anal stenosis is a common proctologic disease often caused from hemorrhoids surgery. Treatments adopted are many and varied. In this study we applied radiofrequencies to the classic Y-V anoplasty operation and reported results obtained.
Methods: Eligibility criteria consisted of patients affected by anal stenosis. Exclusion criteria were those with contraindications to the surgical operation: pregnant patients or American Society of Anaesthesiologists Score III or IV.
Results: From January 2002 to December 2004 we operated 7 patients, 4 of them were males. Mean age at the time of diagnosis was 46 years. All patients referred obstructive defecation, painful evacuation or bleeding. Mean values for operative time were 30 min. Postoperative pain was 3.9 at day 1 and 3.0 at 7th day (VAS scale). Patient satisfaction rate was 6.6 at three weeks and 8.3 at 6 and 12 months. No recurrences were observed after 1 year.
Conclusion: Radiofrequency Y-V anoplasty is a feasible and effective for the treatment of anal stenosis. The radiofrequency bistoury easies the procedure, lessens operating times and the healing process of surgical wounds.
Corresponding Author: Vincenzino Filingeri, MD; e-mail:
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V. Filingeri, G. Gravante, D. Cassisa
Radiofrequency Y-V anoplasty in the treatment of anal stenosis
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2006
Vol. 10 - N. 5
Pages: 263-267