Histological aspects of cellulite: shedding light on 100 years of uncertainties
M.S. Di Carmine, D. Amuso, A. Greco Lucchina, L. Valbonetti, F. Lorusso, A. Scarano Department of Innovative Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry, University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti-Pescara, Italy. ascarano@unich.it
Cellulite is a common topographic condition of the skin manifested as lumpy, dimpled flesh resembling an orange peel on some zones such as the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen.
The aetiology of this cosmetic issue is multifactorial, with hormonal, anatomical, environmental and genetic factors influencing its origin, although the exact mechanisms which cause this condition are still unknown. In the present work, a bibliographic analysis of the cellulite etiology has been updated and exposed, as well as the multiple classification grade scales established over the decades. In addition, a new method to classify cellulite severity, in which the clinical manifestations are correlated to the histological aspects more frequently found in the patients, has been presented.
Several theories regarding its appearance, structure and clinical aspects have arisen with the aim of developing and establishing a valuable therapeutic approach. However, the lack of a consensus regarding the classification of cellulite severity has complicated the developments within this field.
Published on: 2023/04/27
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M.S. Di Carmine, D. Amuso, A. Greco Lucchina, L. Valbonetti, F. Lorusso, A. Scarano
Histological aspects of cellulite: shedding light on 100 years of uncertainties
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2023
Vol. 27 - N. 3 Suppl
Pages: 172-180
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202304_31337