Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 1997; 1 (5): 173-176

On a case of “Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa”

F. Di Ianni**, G. Di Ianni**, C. Isidoro**, L. Migliorato, S. Piersante*

Department of Radiodiagnosis, S. Spirirto Hospital – Pescara (Italy)
*Ultrasonographic Department and **Orthopaedic Clinical Department, De Cesaris Hospital – Spoltore (PE) (Italy)

Macrodistrophia Lipomatosa is a congenital malformation of rare finding and unknown pathogenic mechanism. The pathology is mainly characterized by the interest of lower extremities and peculiar macroscopic feature is the presence of hyperthrophic fibro-adipose tissue. In our experience the localization to the upper extremities and the presence of uncommon clinical signs show the importance of instrumental investigation: MRI and CT for an accurate examination and to exclude other types of localized gygantism.

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To cite this article

F. Di Ianni**, G. Di Ianni**, C. Isidoro**, L. Migliorato, S. Piersante*
On a case of “Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa”

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1997
Vol. 1 - N. 5
Pages: 173-176