Posterior surgical approach for the treatment of lower cervical spine injury with spinal cord paralysis: high postoperative mortality in resource-scare setting
H.-L. Nguyen, V.-C. Vu, D.-L. Nguyen, H.-L. Vo, Q.-D. Nguyen
Spinal Surgery Department, Viet Duc University Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
OBJECTIVE: This report aimed to characterize clinical and imaging characteristics and outcomes of the patients with lower cervical spine injury combined with spinal cord paralysis who underwent posterior cervical spine surgery.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 2019 and December 2020, a retrospective evaluation of prospectively collected data at one institution was conducted. We included all patients who were diagnosed with subaxial cervical spine injuries (C3-7), had spinal cord paralysis, and underwent posterior cervical spine surgery. Clinical profile, preoperative characteristics, intraoperative data, and postoperative outcomes were retrieved from prospective patients’ medical records and computerized database.
RESULTS: Among 70 selected patients, most were male (66, 94.29%) and the average age was 48.41 ± 14.33 years. Most of them worked in agriculture (90.4%). Clinical symptoms included neck pain (58, 82.86%), cervical radiculopathy (50, 71.43%), loss of sensation (44, 62.86%), and decreased sensation (21, 30.00%). The most frequent cervical spinal injuries involved C5 (28.57%), followed by C7 (14.29%). Circular muscle dysfunction was present in 65 (92.86%) patients. Early complications included respiratory failure (12.85%), pneumonia (11.42%), bedsores (8.57%), and urinary tract infection (7.14%). Common late complications included movement disorder (48.21%), muscle weakness and stiffness (37.50%), sensory disturbances (32.14%), urinary tract infection (17.86%), bedsores (16.07%), and pneumonia (5.36%). Patients after surgery and at follow-up had a significant improvement compared to preoperative assessment according to the AIS classification, and recovery of smooth muscle. Three patients died within 1 month following surgery, 3 within 1-3 month(s), 2 within 3-6 months, and 1 case beyond 6 months.
CONCLUSIONS: In hospital-based clinical condition with limited practice approach, our study indicated specific clinical and imaging characteristics of Vietnamese patients with lower cervical spine injury combined with spinal cord paralysis. With high postoperative mortality rate, commonly late complications after posterior cervical spine surgical approach were pain and difficulty in neck movement, muscle weakness and stiffness, and nerve root pain.
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To cite this article
H.-L. Nguyen, V.-C. Vu, D.-L. Nguyen, H.-L. Vo, Q.-D. Nguyen
Posterior surgical approach for the treatment of lower cervical spine injury with spinal cord paralysis: high postoperative mortality in resource-scare setting
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2022
Vol. 26 - N. 8
Pages: 2960-2969
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202204_28627