MiR-1231 correlates tumor prognosis and inhibits cell growth in ovarian cancer
J.-R. Xie, Y.-Y. Jiang, W. Xu, J.-Z. Tao Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Taizhou Central Hospital (Taizhou University Hospital), Taizhou, Zhejiang, China. hmowys@163.com
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression characteristics of miR-1231 in ovarian cancer (OC), and to further explore its effects on cell proliferation capacity of OC cells.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (QRT-PCR) was performed to detect miR-1231 expression in 116 paired of OC and matched adjacent normal tissues. The association of miR-1231 expression and clinicopathological features and prognosis was analyzed. Furthermore, the effects of miR-1231 on cell proliferation and cell cycle of OC cells were evaluated by functional assays.
RESULTS: In the study, the results exhibited that miR-1231 expression was lower in ovarian cancer tissues compared with adjacent normal tissues. Lower miR-1231 expression was associated with tumor clinical stage and lymph node invasion in patients. Survival plots by K-M survival analysis showed that lower miR-1231 expression predicted a poor outcome in ovarian cancer patients. Moreover, multivariate analysis implied that miR-1231 expression was an independent maker of overall survival (OS). Functional assays showed that upregulation of miR-1231 expression inhibited cell proliferation and cell cycle progression.
CONCLUSIONS: We revealed that miR-1231 expression was lower in ovarian cancer tissues cell lines. Lower miR-1231 expression predicted a poor outcome in ovarian cancer patients and upregulation of miR-1231 expression inhibited cell growth.

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To cite this article
J.-R. Xie, Y.-Y. Jiang, W. Xu, J.-Z. Tao
MiR-1231 correlates tumor prognosis and inhibits cell growth in ovarian cancer
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2020
Vol. 24 - N. 16
Pages: 8308-8313
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202008_22627