Women dealing with hot flushes: the role of β-alanine
E. Andreeva, B. Tkeshelashvili Department of Endocrinology, Endocrinology Research Centre, Moscow, Russia. endogin@mail.ru
Hot flushes (HFs) are a very frequent condition in menopausal women, associated with a marked decrease in quality of life, impaired ability to carry on daily activities and sleep disturbances. However, this condition is often only given poor attention in daily practice and in clinical research.
Indeed, several treatments for HFs exist. The most effective is considered to be hormone replacement therapy, but this strategy has been associated with a poor risk-benefit ratio given its link with the development of cancer. Other treatments have been tested and are currently used, but they are usually only poorly effective or cannot be recommended in all patients due to potential side effects or interference with other molecules. Therefore, there is a major need for new treatment options for HFs.
β-alanine supplementation is widely used for the enhancement of energetic metabolism and is known to be devoid of any relevant adverse effect. BA has also been widely used for the treatment of HFs.
This narrative review will discuss the current pharmacological management of HFs and will present the role of β-alanine in this setting.
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To cite this article
E. Andreeva, B. Tkeshelashvili
Women dealing with hot flushes: the role of β-alanine
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2020
Vol. 24 - N. 9
Pages: 5148-5154
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202005_21209