The abortive form of Bourneville-Pringle syndrome
C. Giusti Department of Ophthalmology, “Campus Bio-Medico” University, Rome (Italy)
Abstract. – Background/Methods: To present a 26-year-old woman affected by the abortive form of Bourneville-Pringle syndrome. To our knowledge, this disease is unusual since only very few cases have been reported in the scientific literature at this time. Results/Conclusions: Visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes. No relevant ocular abnormalities were observed excepting two retinal hamartomas, a smaller one in the nasal midperiphery of the right eye and a larger one located along the super-temporal retinal vessels of the left eye. Classical signs of Bourneville-Pringle disease, such as mental retardation and epilepsy, were absent whereas a slight facial adenoma sebaceum and renal cysts represented the solely systemic manifestations of the disease. This case report confirms that retinal phakomata are a typical manifestation of Tuberous Sclerosis, even in the absence of a detected involvement of the brain.
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C. Giusti
The abortive form of Bourneville-Pringle syndrome
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2002
Vol. 6 - N. 5
Pages: 101-104