The new retained foreign body! Case report and review of the literature on retained foreign bodies in laparoscopic bariatric surgery
S. Magalini, D. Sermoneta, C. Lodoli, S. Vanella, M. Di Grezia, D. Gui Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, University Hospital Agostino Gemelli, Rome, Italy.
Department of Emergency, Santa Maria Goretti Hospital, Latina, Italy
The advent of laparoscopic surgery has created a set of peculiar morbidities. As the laparoscopic devices, also the type of retained foreign bodies has changed.
We present a case of unusual, apparently isolated and recurrent lung abscess, pleural effusion and poorly evident subphrenic abscess after laparoscopic gastric bypass, due to a retained Endo-Catch bag. A 27-year-old obese female underwent an uneventful laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. After sugery she developed a left basal lung abscess, that resolved in two weeks with heavy antibiotic therapy, while radiological abdominal imaging was apparently normal. Patient was discharged on p.o. day 30. After two months, she presented with fever and dyspnoea and no gastrointestinal complaints. Chest and abdominal computer tomography showed a left recurrent abscess with effusion but this time a 3 cm subphrenic mass with metallic clips inside was demonstrated on CT scan. Patient was treated with an explorative laparoscopy that identified an Endo-Catch bag with the jejunal blind loop inside. Postoperative left lung abscess can be a warning of a suphrenic surgical complication. Laparoscopic surgery requires even more attention to retained foreign bodies due to the reduced visibility of the surgical field. The recommendation to enforce recording of laparoscopic maneuvers is mandatory.
Published on: 2012/10/17
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S. Magalini, D. Sermoneta, C. Lodoli, S. Vanella, M. Di Grezia, D. Gui
The new retained foreign body! Case report and review of the literature on retained foreign bodies in laparoscopic bariatric surgery
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2012
Vol. 16 - N. 4 Suppl
Pages: 129-133