Mir-595 is a significant indicator of poor patient prognosis in epithelial ovarian cancer
Q.-H. Zhou, Y.-M. Zhao, L.-L. Jia, Y. Zhang Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taian City Central Hospital, Taian, Shandong, China. zyz414@126.com
OBJECTIVE: MiR-595 has been demonstrated to be involved in tumorigenesis of several cancers. However, the clinical significance of miR-595 in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) remains unclear. The aim of this study was to explore the correlation of miR-595 expression with clinicopathologic features and prognosis in EOC patients.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Quantitative Real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed to evaluate the expression level of miR-595 in all participants. Correlations between miR-595 levels and clinicopathological factors were investigated. Association of miR-595 expression with overall survival was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed.
RESULTS: We observed that miR-595 was downregulated in EOC tissues in comparison with noncancerous ovarian tissues (p < 0.05). In addition, low miR-595 expression level was significantly associated with advanced FIGO stage (p = 0.003), distant metastasis (p = 0.002), and grade (p = 0.014). Furthermore, significantly shorter overall survival was observed in patients with lower expression of the miR-595. At last, multivariate analysis revealed that decreased expression of miR-595 was an independent predictor of overall survival of EOC patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicated that miR-595 expression might be a novel potential prognostic biomarker for EOC.
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To cite this article
Q.-H. Zhou, Y.-M. Zhao, L.-L. Jia, Y. Zhang
Mir-595 is a significant indicator of poor patient prognosis in epithelial ovarian cancer
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2017
Vol. 21 - N. 19
Pages: 4278-4282