Update on bacterial nosocomial infections
W. Bereket, K. Hemalatha, B. Getenet, T. Wondwossen, A. Solomon, A. Zeynudin, S. Kannan Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences & Pathology, College of Public Health & Medical Sciences, Jimma University, Jimma. Ethiopia. subbaramkannan@yahoo.co.in
With increasing use of antimicrobial agents and advance in lifesaving medical practices which expose the patients for invasive procedures, are associated with the ever increasing of nosocomial infections. Despite an effort in hospital infection control measures, health care associated infections are associated with significant morbidity and mortality adding additional health care expenditure which may leads to an economic crisis. The problem is further complicated with the emergence of difficult to treat multidrug resistant (MDR) microorganism in the hospital environment.
Virtually every pathogen has the potential to cause infection in hospitalized patients but only limited number of both gram positive and gram negative bacteria are responsible for the majority of nosocomial infection. Among them Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococci takes the leading. Many intrinsic and extrinsic factors predispose hospitalized patients for these pathogens. Following simple hospital hygienic practices and strictly following standard medical procedures greatly reduces infection to a significant level although not all nosocomial infections are avoidable. The clinical spectrum caused by nosocomial pathogens depend on body site of infection, the involving pathogen and the patient’s underlying condition. Structural and non structural virulence factors associated with the bacteria are responsible for the observed clinical manifestation. Bacteria isolation and characterization from appropriate clinical materials with antimicrobial susceptibility testing is the standard of laboratory diagnosis.
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W. Bereket, K. Hemalatha, B. Getenet, T. Wondwossen, A. Solomon, A. Zeynudin, S. Kannan
Update on bacterial nosocomial infections
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2012
Vol. 16 - N. 8
Pages: 1039-1044