Tribenoside and lidocaine in the local treatment of hemorrhoids: an overview of clinical evidence
Z. Lorenc, Ö. Gökçe General, Colorectal and Trauma Surgery Silesian Medical University Katowice, Poland.
OBJECTIVE: The combination of tribenoside+lidocaine (Procto-Glyvenol®) is a medical preparation for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, delivered as a suppository or rectal cream. This product has been used for decades in the therapy of hemorrhoids. This review discusses available evidence on the use of tribenoside/lidocaine in clinical practice.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Papers were retrieved by a PubMed search, using different combinations of pertinent keywords (e.g. tribenoside AND hemorrhoids), without any limitations in terms of publication date and language. Documents from Authors’ personal collection of literature could also be considered. Papers were selected for inclusion according to their relevance for the topic, as judged by the Authors.
RESULTS: The efficacy of the combination of tribenoside+lidocaine in relieving symptoms caused by hemorrhoids and its safety have been assessed in several clinical studies on patients of either gender, either versus its two individual components (tribenoside and lidocaine) or versus steroids in the same setting. Five studies compared the combination treatment with each of its single components, and of these, three studies compared tribenoside+ lidocaine with a tribenoside-free semi-placebo preparation containing only lidocaine, and two studies compared this combination with lidocaine-free preparations containing only tribenoside. Tribenoside+lidocaine was compared with steroid-containing preparations in six studies. Last, two studies evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of the tribenoside+lidocaine combination in women with hemorrhoids as a consequence of pregnancy or delivery.
All the above-mentioned studies were well-conducted and can provide a comprehensive evaluation of tribenoside+lidocaine in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
CONCLUSIONS: Enough evidence exists to recommend the use of this combination therapy as a fast, effective and safe option for the local treatment of low-grade hemorrhoids.
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To cite this article
Z. Lorenc, Ö. Gökçe
Tribenoside and lidocaine in the local treatment of hemorrhoids: an overview of clinical evidence
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 12
Pages: 2742-2751