Serum BSP, PSADT, and Spondin-2 levels in prostate cancer and the diagnostic significance of their ROC curves in bone metastasis
B.-P. Zhu, Z.-Q. Guo, L. Lin, Q. Liu Department of Urology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Hubei, China.
OBJECTIVE: Bone metastasis is a common complication of prostate cancer. This study investigates serum bone sialoprotein (BSP), prostate specific antigen doubling time (PSADT), and extracellular matrix protein Spondin-2 levels in prostate cancer and the diagnostic significance of their ROC curves in bone metastasis.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 85 cases of prostate cancer patients, including 43 cases with bone metastases and 42 cases without bone metastases, were enrolled. Serum BSP, Spondin-2, and PSA were tested by ELISA and Electrochemical Luminescence method. PSADT was calculated upon multiplication formula. The diagnostic significances of BSP, Spondin-2, and PSADT on bone metastasis were evaluated by ROC curve.
RESULTS: Serum BSP, Spondin-2, and PSA levels were highest in prostate cancer with bone metastasis, followed by no bone metastasis, hyperplasia, and control (p < 0.05). Gleason scores of BSP, Spondin-2, and PSA were highest in low differentiation, followed by moderate differentiation and high differentiation (p < 0.05). ROC curve revealed that diagnostic efficiency was in PSADT, Spondin-2, and BSP in the order. Their sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of bone metastasis were 79.07, 88.37, 86.05%, and 71.54, 81.30, 83.74%, respectively. Their joint detection elevated the sensitivity to 97.67%, the negative predictive value up to 99.11%, and AUC to 0.973 (95% CI 0.942-0.998). PSADT + BSP exhibited better efficiency among two indicators combination as AUC reached 0.963 (95% CI 0.935-0.992).
CONCLUSIONS: Serum BSP, Spondin-2, and PSADT upregulated in prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis. Their joint detection can improve the diagnostic sensitivity.
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To cite this article
B.-P. Zhu, Z.-Q. Guo, L. Lin, Q. Liu
Serum BSP, PSADT, and Spondin-2 levels in prostate cancer and the diagnostic significance of their ROC curves in bone metastasis
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2017
Vol. 21 - N. 1
Pages: 61-67